Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tables and chairs

I went out to 1 utama with Yun Peng and Khong Hern today :D I'm really grateful to Yun Peng for willing to come all the way to vista and fetching us, and then later sending us back home. Thanks a lot, really :)

Anyhow, it's fun. That was the first time I went to The Curve. We went to Uncle Lim's (is that right?) for 'lunch'. It was not bad, but wasn't really filling. I had Uncle Lim's Laksa. Basically it's a combination of curry mee and asam laksa. Strangely salty, but pretty decent. The price is quite steep for something so mundane though, RM 8.30. What mattered was we ate I guess :P

Walked around a bit and looked at Levi's and Nike shoes, but too poor to actually buy anything ^^. Tempting though, I might consider buying a pair of shoes next time. For the moment the more important thing is getting a desk and a chair, so off to IKEA we went. Gosh, IKEA is pretty big and their furniture and stuff looks nice, but were they pricey! The cheapest desk I could find cost 50+ and it's only like a slab of wood on some four legs. And not to mention how tiny it was! That's when I decided not to bother buying in IKEA. What's the next best place? 1 Utama of course!

The parking in 1 Utama is literally a nightmare! We spent at least 20+ mins just going in circles hoping for someone to leave so we could get the space. Even when we got down to the lower basement floors there were like no space. There was a close one when we saw some car coming out of the parking space but out of nowhere another car came flying round and went into the lot before we could even utter 'what the...' So anyway, another car came out just after that so we were kind of lucky. But that ordeal was tiring.

Not much time before SNL to I had to shop fast. We didn't do much in 1 Utama except hunting for desks and chairs in Jusco. Freaking long walk, but I managed to get a RM 93 desk with inbuilt shelf after much consideration. There was no way I was getting the chair though. Not only were there very few choices for chairs, the cheapest plastic chair cost RM 29! So it's gonna be dining chair while I get a decent chair, maybe in Carrefour tomorrow.

Sleepy now so I'm off to bed... cross fingers for a chair tomorrow :)

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